About Acupuncture Treatment
Adele Muir, Licensed Acupuncturist, offers compassionate health care using acupuncture therapy (both with needles or needle-less), moxibustion, heat therapy, and bodywork techniques such as Gua Sha and cupping therapy. Treatments are based on Chinese Medical diagnosis, Five Element Acupuncture, and the Body-Mind-Spirit connection. Your individual constitution and healthcare needs are thoughtfully considered. Lifestyle coaching and dietary therapy are given as needed/requested, as well as collaboration with your other healthcare professionals. Acupuncture therapy taps into the body's own healing mechanisms, coaxing the body back into homeostasis. It is a complete system of medicine originating in China over 3,000 years ago. By activating points on the body (stimulated with needles, seeds, heat therapy, and other tools), we affect energy (Qi), blood, fluids, emotions and aspects of the spirit. Acupuncture benefits include: lowering stress and inflammation, balancing hormones, increasing endorphins, relieving pain, improving circulatory and immune function, activating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), and calming the sympathetic (fight or flight). For more information about acupuncture's evidence-based clinical effects, check out the modern-day research: https://www.acupunctureresearch.org Adele's specialities include: women's health and reproductive health; mental health and trauma healing; chronic pain and illness; and digestion. |
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