Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in a workshop. I am able to give workshops for yin yoga, vinyasa, beginners, and gentle/restorative; or a combination of any of these types of yoga. I can also give a special class or workshop for parties, birthdays, or small groups.
Upcoming Workshops
Stay tuned! I will be announcing a new workshop very soon.....
Past Workshops
April 30, 2017. Spring Into Yin ~ Yoga Workshop In the Spring, Qi rises in ourselves the way seeds burst out of the Earth, become new plants and grow toward the Sun. Spring is a time of more energy and birthing new ideas and projects. But first, we must release old ways and create space for growth. Calm the rising Spring energy while releasing the body’s tissues in this luxurious practice. Clean house…learn techniques for relaxing the mind, and releasing emotions and stagnation in the body.
Yin Yoga is an experience of holding poses while relaxing superficial Yang muscular tissues, therefore accessing the deep Yin connective tissues—fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. This releases built-up tension from our lifestyles (standing, sitting, working, sports), helps our bodies feel less stiff and more fluid, counters the effects of aging, helps injuries heal, and improves range of motion.
Yin Yoga practice affects the Meridian system that runs through the fascia, as studied in Chinese Medicine. By affecting the meridians with intention and awareness, we can cultivate long term physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and compassionate acceptance of the self and others. This workshop includes meditation, pranayama (breathing), relaxation, and modifications for all levels of practice including beginners.
“This outward spring and garden are a reflection of the inward garden.” ~Rumi
November 6, 2017. Fall Into Yin ~ Yoga Workshop Yin Yoga practice is an experience of holding poses while non-striving and cultivating compassionate acceptance. While relaxing superficial Yang muscular tissues, we are able to access the deep Yin connective tissues—fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. This releases built-up tension from our lifestyles (standing, sitting, working, sports), helps our bodies feel less stiff and more fluid, counters the effects of aging, helps injuries heal, and improves range of motion of the joints.
This practice affects the Meridian system that runs through the fascia, as studied in Chinese Medicine. By affecting these meridians with intention and awareness, we can learn to sense the flow of Qi within us, promoting long term physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This workshop’s focus is on the experience of the Yin Yoga practice and awareness of the Qi flowing within our bodies and nature. Autumn has its own sensation of Qi; there is a taking in of the crisp air and a letting go of leaves that have long held onto branches. We will become aware of the Lung and Large Intestine organ pairing and stimulate these meridians. The poses selected can help with back, neck, and shoulder tension, respiratory issues, immune function, and releasing long-held emotions.
June 7, 2015. Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop Experience how the practices of Yin Yoga and Mindfulness improve the health of the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the Self. This workshop will include a guided Mindfulness Meditation and a deep Yin Yoga practice. During our Yin practice we will learn how different postures affect the health of the internal organ systems, connective tissues, and joints. The mental and emotional health is connected to these organs, and we will identify how to calm the mind and release emotions. We will also explore ways to feel, gather and hold Chi (Prana) energy in the body. Come practice total compassionate acceptance of the Self, and in turn you will feel more peaceful and more able to take care of others and the Earth. All levels of experience are welcome.
November 16, 2014. Yin Yoga Workshop Give yourself the gift of Yin Yoga. We are entering the busy Holiday season, and many feel constant pressure to do more and be better. It is time to go inward, practice total acceptance, and re-connect with the Earth. Yin Yoga is a practice of holding postures for a period of time while cultivating an attitude of compassion to awaken the more Yin parts of our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. During this practice, we relax the superficial muscular layer (Yang tissue) in our bodies and are able to affect the deeper bones, joints, and connective tissues (Yin tissues). This allows us to release built up tension resulting from our lifestyles (standing, sitting, working, sports, etc.), helps our bodies become healthy and more flexible, and counters the affects of aging. By holding the postures for several minutes and then letting go, fresh blood, fluids and nutrients flood the areas worked, allowing the body to heal on a physical level.
Energetically, we promote the flow of energy (Qi) through channels (Meridians) in the body, as studied in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist tradition. Emotionally, as we go to our Edge in the postures, we face ourselves in the present moment, release long-held emotions, and learn to view ourselves and all beings with total acceptance. In this workshop, we will explore the Meridians of Chinese Medicine and their relationship to Yogic Chakra Theory. The workshop also includes Meditation, Pranayama, a long, luxurious Yin Yoga practice and deep relaxation, silent reflection, and information on how to start a home practice. It is suitable for All Levels of experience.
May 10, 2014. Vin Yin Workshop: Vinyasa Fundamentals with Yin Yoga Practice This workshop is perfect for beginners to yoga, as well as those curious about yin yoga. It is suitable for people with injuries, back pain, joint stiffness, or muscle soreness. Adele Muir, Registered Yoga Teacher, will lead a basic flow series that will cover proper alignment for common poses used in vinyasa yoga. You will learn which muscles to engage, and proper form and modifications for postures. Then she will take you deep into a meditative and powerful yin yoga session. By holding stretches for several minutes, our muscles will relax and then the deep connective tissue (fascia), joints, and bones will be affected. You will learn why yin yoga is important for any lifestyle, how it heals the body, and how to incorporate yin into your life. This workshop includes meditation, pranayama (breath work), deep relaxation, and a chance to ask questions at the end of the session.